Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pumpkins, Sweaters and an owl hat.

Get ready these pictures are going to make you long for fall. and I mean REAL fall. Where leaves change colors and FALL, you wear sweaters and drink apple cidar. Not the partial fall that we have been having this year!

This is Judah in his adorable winter hat that you will all be seeing A LOT. I spent too much money on it, but I could not resist (Mom also pitched in, because she too could not resist)!

I was going to take him to a pumpkin patch, which got reduced to Stone Mountain, which got reduced to our front yard with 3 pumpkins. I don't think he noticed.

Sweater of the year. you will see this a lot too.

How big is Judah? He is so big! I am so excited that he is finally old enough to teach tricks!

Notice the little bit of chin fat he has. That has taken a lot of hard work and feeding to get.

This is the best one we could get. Judah was over it. It was too hot for sweaters, we were faking.

Looks like he is about to be dropped but still very cute.
Well fall we are not so patiently awaiting your arrival.


  1. Good post. I like it. Maybe next year we should all bring our personal pumpkins to one location and it would be like a pumpkin patch. He really is too cute though. And I'm not just saying that. I would steal him if he weren't such a wiggle worm.

  2. That certainly is one cute baby boy!!! And, I must say that he looks quite handsome in that trendsetting orange hoodie. I really wish they made that in an adult size. But, here is the profound question of the day...would it look as cute on a middle-aged woman? I guess we'll never know...unless Jenna would like to knit one for me since I doubt Big People's Gap will. :-) Great pics. Great family. Love you all! P.S. I agree with Jenna...he IS a wiggle worm.
