Friday, November 5, 2010


Dave and I got the opportunity to go back to our very first home this past weekend. We went to the LFR reunion. There were not a whole lot of people that we knew there, but it was great to just be able to hang out with some sweet friends, relax, enjoy God's creation and reminisce. I think that when we moved there (right after we got married) I was not comfortable being alone at all and did not enjoy it nearly as much as I could have, but I am very thankful God put us there and I think it was a huge growing experience. Maybe one day we will get to try it again:-)

My good friend Lauren. She is one of my main reasons for the visit

I don't know what kind of face I was making

Relaxin on the swing


  1. I feel bad that this post has received no comments so I'm commenting. I think that must be Dave's new picture face. It's been in several pictures lately. And your kid is still cute. It's looking like he's gonna stay that way.

  2. That wasn't blog bashing by the way. I did think it was a good post. I just usually wait for someone else to comment first, and no one did. So don't even think about being offended about my comment above.
