Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Thanksgiving 2

We went to my mom's on the Sunday after Thanksgiving to spend time as a fam. Everyone was there except the Colorado boys. Mom made roast and potatoes, green bean casserole, rolls, and banana pudding for dessert (Karis also brought this pumpkin cheesecake thing). It was all delicious!!! Mom put together ginger bread houses for all of us to decorate. Well it was supposed to be for the kids, but of course we worked our way in and then turned it into a competition. We had tons of fun. It was loud and crazy, like it always is. It is amazing how quickly you forget that it is like that!And it begins.

He looks super in to it

One of my favorite parts of the day was when Eryn would randomly scream
"I love candy!"

Josiah, thrilled as you can see. I think he was pouting because we wouldn't let him set his on fire

Entertaining themselves

and here are the finished products

In the end they did let him set his marshmellow on fire

This is a family friend Solley
Bella really got into the marshmellows
My finished house

all the houses (for some reason we didn't get a picture of chaney with her finished project, sorry chooch!)

Keighley knocked over my people. I was not happy. She was very happy.

The girls

Ha! not sure what Adams doing. Probably trying to make sure his neck doesn't look fat.
Adam trying to kiss Jenna under the mistletoe. Don't worry it was Keighley's idea.
This is how you will see Jenna during the winter.
and here are a bunch of kissing photos

She really has gotten so funny in her old age

This is usually how our kisses go

And during all this chaos this is what the boys were doing

They look much calmer, huh?
Thanks mom for putting it all together, and Thanks Karis and Mom for taking all the photo's!!!
I just realized we didn't get any photo's of mom! Sorry, next time I am taking one whether you like it or not, so be prepared!


  1. It was lots of fun, glad when it was over, but lots of fun. We need to think of something fun to do with the kids at Christmas. I think Jenna should teach them to knit ~ whatcha think?

  2. What fun for ya'll. That warms my heart and makes me laugh. Love all you guys.

  3. I think I might have a nervous breakdown if I tried to teach all of them how to knit. Trying to teach Kace took all of my patience. Plus that would mean I would have to give them each two sharp pointy objects. That couldn't end well.
