Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

I love Valentines Day. Shocking, huh? No, but really I do. Surprisingly that love comes not from Dave (all though I am sure he has helped keep it), but was passed down from my mom. Growing up my mom always made a big deal about Valentines day. She would get us gifts or cards and then later on we started a tradition of having "Waffle House". No, we did not go to the actual waffle house because that would have been crazy with 10 kids. She and my dad would cook all sorts of breakfast food including waffles (I am sure my dad was wearing a waffle house hat), the first year they made menu's and we ordered and they made us WHATEVER we wanted. I know that might not sound super exciting, but when you are a 10 year old home school kid who comes from a family of 10 so you only eat out maybe once a year (and you probably didn't get to choose off the menu), it is AMAZING. So Valentines to me was always a holiday were we all hung out as a family and loved on each other. I hope to carry on the tradition and pass it on to Judah and all other unborn kids I may have. All that to say that I know some of you may not have the same love for it that I have. A lot of people say it is a commercialized holiday or depressing or whatever. But I decided to come up with a list of reasons you should love it just like me, whether your single, married, dating, married or dating someone who is clueless it doesn't matter.

1. You can buy massive amounts of sweets, specifically chocolate, for very cheap the day after.

2. It is the one day of year that you can wear way too much pink and red AND incorporate hearts into your wardrobe without looking crazy.

3. it is the one day besides my b-day that I actually check the mail just in case i got something other than bills.

4. You can buy chocolate in the shape of ANYTHING.

5. You can eat mass amounts of chocolate and nobody says anything.

6. If you are not a verbally affectionate person it is a great time to tell the people around you that you love them without them thinking you are about to die.

7. You can dress your child in red, pink, hearts, suspenders and other ridiculous things without people thinking you are crazy.

Hopefully I have helped you become a believer. I just realized that I do most of those things all year round, but at least there is one day a year I don't feel crazy for it:)

Here is some pictures from our V-day morning.

A tradition I am trying to star for our family is to make pancakes on holiday's. You know pumpkin for Thanksgiving, peppermint for Christmas, pink heart shape for v-day. The plan was to wake up at 6:30 and have them ready for Dave before he left. The plan didn't happen.

So Judah and I ate them around 10. Sorry Dave! Judah did not know what to think. I guess he has never seen neon pink heart shape pancakes before.

He eventually warmed up.

Chocolate shaped tools. How cute!

I found chocolate hidden around the house.

Judah in his Valentine shirt
(on sale at target)

Happy Valentines everyone. I love you all very mucho!!!

PS go to allthecloudsrollaway to watch a very sweet valentines video!


  1. I just love your version of V day. I love the pink pancakes! I love that Dave put chocolate all over the house. Too sweet!

  2. I LOVE ME SOME GUNTERS!!! Happy Valentine's Day to some of the sweetest people on the planet Earth!! I love your optimism and your reasons for loving V Day! (Call me crazy, but I get the impression that you like chocolate just a wee bit). I was glad to see that you had Judah dressed in red and not in pink. :-) (Although a pink oxford, button-down shirt can look quite spiffy on a guy). Hope you had a great looks like you did...just hope your tummy doesn't hurt tomorrow! (A Reese's cup here...a chocolate hammer there...a pink pancake here...) Hugs and love to you all! Auntie Ruth

    P.S. Thanks for the thank you note!! You are too sweet! And, I love that about you!

  3. How fun - pink heart pancakes! Yum
    Happy Valentines Day to you!

  4. I am now a believer. I have never liked the holiday....but now...sooooo much. You are hilarious and I love ya my friend.
