Monday, August 22, 2011

hey boss.

As I lay here Judah is in the other room going to sleep. Or he is supposed to be. He sounds WIDE awake from the constant stream of jibberish coming from his crib. If I thought he talked a lot before than there is no way to describe how much he is talking now. The other night he said "night night mama" clear as day and my whole being melted into one big ball of goo. He is in one of those phases that is totally endearing, but also totally makes you feel like you are losing your mind. He copies everything you do and totally thinks he is one of the adults. It is endearing when he sits on the steps next you and looks to make sure he is doing it exactly like you. Or when you say stuff like "hey boss" or "hey baby" or "dignity" and he says it right back to you. It makes you want to lose your mind when he REFUSES to let you feed him and so he gets spaghetti all over the place. or he refuses to drink a sippy and gets water all over the place. Or he refuses to let you help him in any way whatsoever. I think the kid would change his own diapers if he could. One other random Judah thought. Dave taught him how to yell. Which is a ridiculous thing to teach your child, but when he is a teeny tiny little man and it takes all his concentration and he makes the most serious face in the world, it is pretty darn cute.

How can you not give this little mushroom head whatever he wants???

Especially when you have to deal with this when you don't.

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