Saturday, May 14, 2011

Carson says...

As most of you know the past month or so I have had the joy of watching sweet little Carson Bean. Dave was home this week and after asking her a few questions came to the realization that she, in the cutest tiniest voice, says "yeah" to pretty much anything. Dave, thinking this was hilarious, began to ask her a lot of random questions. Here are some of the things we learned.

1. She likes playing at our house
2. Judah is crazy
3. Her parents are trying to kill Dave
4. Judah is silly
5. Dave is the most good looking man she has ever seen
6. Her parents are trying to kill me
7. Judah is the cutest boy she has ever seen
8. She likes banana's, cantaloupe, watermelon, BBQ, and whatever else she was eating that day

and I am sure that there was more just can't remember. Reminder: Dave came up with the questions. I am thinking that if I keep blogging about these things Katie is going to stop bringing her:) I hope not because she is darn cute. and no her parents are not really trying to kill us. or so I think:)


  1. It sounds like she is an extra little delight to your household. I need a picture of those two together.

  2. Bummer! She ratted us out! :) I'd never stop bringing her! She has so much fun--I think she'll be truly disappointed when summer's here and she has to hang out with me all the time!
