Saturday, March 19, 2011


One of my close friends Brenna turned 30 this year! Woot woot. Craziness I tell ya. Her sweet husband Andy asked us (Me and Liz) to help throw her a surprise party. and of course we said "hell yeah". He ended up inviting 150 people including kids (what!!!), but it worked out perfect. Thankfully not all 150 showed up. About 65 to 70 came which was perfect. We did Italian themed, so we had tons of spaghetti, fettuccine, lasagna, wine, salad, bread, cheesecake, the works. In fact we had a ton too much. I think they literally ate leftovers for a week. Better too much than not enough, right? It was a lot of fun and hopefully she enjoyed herself even though she told us to "just say no" next time he asked:)

Thanks to my mom for letting us steal all her plates and platters for the day.

Shockingly we had a lot of this left.

So good.

This little man has a special place in my heart.

Thanks goodness for good weather!

Lots of babies! and kids!

No Nancy is not posing, she just as that silly grin on her face all the time.

Gotta get at least one of these.

are they related or what???

Brenna is doing something really weird withe her head but I had to put this photo because Ashlynn looks so stinkin cute!

Dave did a photo shoot of the birthday girl. Good thing she likes having her photo taken.

Yes we are all as exhausted as we look.

We have known each other 14 years!

My under-paid babysitter. and by that I mean not paid.

This is how I felt by the end of the night.

Happy Birthday to an amazing friend!
You are beautiful, hilarious, gracious, kind, loving and patient.
A great mother, a fun friend, and an awesome wife.
One of the most laid back people I know,
you are my friend that messes up all sayings with me,
cooks great food and doesn't mind having impromptu guest even though
you have your hands full,
Takes me to consignment sales,
watches stupid cheesy movies,
rants about our hate for dogs and our dirty houses,
listens to me talk about the same thing over and over and over again
Love you lady!!!


  1. That just looks like such fun. I'm so sorry I missed it. I know my life will settle down soon and I can be back to doing all the fun things. It looks like you guys did an outstanding job as usual.

  2. cute:). crazy how long y'all have been friends....
    and where did you get that dress? i love it!

  3. It is crazy! It is a shirt I got at Target.
