Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Happy Fall Yall!

I have no camera or video camera at the moment, so I feel a little lost. I have not been taking many pictures lately anyways, but I hate not having the option to document if I want. At the same time it is nice to be able to really enjoy the things that I am doing instead of being half there because I am behind a camera. So since I have no pictures to post I am just going to ramble for awhile (or they will be old pics).

Anyways it is finally fall, but it has been hot until today and now it is FREEZING! We were thinking about going camping for the first time as a family of three this weekend, but it is SO cold now I don't know if I can handle it. I could never live anywhere like Alaska or Wyoming or anywhere that has colder winters than GA. If it warms up and we go camping we are going all the way to Stone Mountain Park. I know it is only 5 minutes away, but we wanted to start somewhere were we could abandon it in the middle of the night if the need arises. I hope it works out because the thought of fire, smores, hot chocolate, a little hike, and being in the woods sounded nice.

I am going to try to be a little more consistent as far as writing on the blog. One way that I am going to do that is I am going to steal an idea that my friend (Maggie) did and do likes and dislikes for the week (more realistically monthly).
Here goes nothing...

Soy Chai frappachino WITH whip cream. (I know that it doesn't make sense to get soy and whip cream, but my stomach can't handle too much milk. The whip cream is def worth a stomach ache)

Pumpkin festival ale. Enough said. So good.

My little parrot Judah. He is repeating everything anyone says. Things like "Fire in the hole", or when a lady at the park said " hey beautiful".

Husbands that work really hard without complaining.

Eating pumpkin pie with the Naylor family (minus Cole and Micah).

Holding teeny tiny baby Georgia.

The fact that Judah has begun finding ways to entertain himself and the fact that it includes matchbox cars.

My house being clean and laundry being done before going away for a couple days.

That my friend Liz married the man God had for her.

Sweaters and boots.


Walking in the freezing cold.

The lack of motivations to do anything active.

Dogs that won't stop barking.

That my friend Liz moved far far away (I know it is a good thing, but I still don't like it this week).

My husbands beard. That might sounds harsh, I know. He is handsome no matter what, but it is a little overkill at this point. It is scratchy, tickly, and adds 10 years to his beautiful face.

Not having a good book to read.

Judah getting his molars. Crying, screaming, holding mouth, going to the dr., not being able to eat, baby and mama torture.

That's about it for this week. What are some things you like or dislike???

1 comment:

  1. Things I dislike (I'll start with the "negative" topic, so I can end on a positive note)
    1. Living far away from the people I love the most
    2. Hot, humid weather that makes you want to take another shower as soon as you finish taking the first one
    3. White asparagus mousse
    4. Cleaning house...I like a clean house, I just don't like being the one who has to keep it clean
    5. People who annoy me (that could be a long list...hahaha)

    Things that I like:
    1. Sweet little babies and pictures of sweet little babies...especially ones that are related to me
    2. Sweaters, boots, and jewelry
    3. Cheesecake and coffee...Chocolate Chip Paradise Pie and coffee...anything sweet and coffee
    4. Traveling to far away places
    5. JESUS

    P.S. Thanks for not giving up the blogging world before writing a tribute about me! :-)
