Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The terrible two's

I am not sure if it is the terrible two's or the fact that we didn't lay him down at his normal 7:30 bedtime, but my child threw a tantrum like I have never seen today. He is a little obsessed with anything fun anyways. Stuff like bubbles, cars, painting, coloring, etc... He kinda goes crazy when you take it away from him. One second he is this sweet, cute, bubbly little kid painting and the next he is some snotty, screaming, demon baby when you tell him it is time to stop painting. I was just trying to be a good mom and do a craft with the little stinker. Little did I know he was going to try to rip my curtains off and start smacking the dishwasher (literally). It kinda makes me want to never do anything fun. Now before you think Judah or I are crazy let me say that he is usually THE SWEETEST KID EVER. He just really likes painting, I guess. and I am probably a little crazy, but most people like me, or they keep hanging out with me. Anyways being the great mom that I am I OF COURSE was taking pictures the whole time.

"oh painting, how I love you"

"Need a little blue over here"

"I am doing good"

"Got some on my hand might as well use it"

"WHY, GOD, WHY???"

"How could you do this to me, mama???"

"I will show her to never take paint away from me by running around the kitchen screaming
and ripping that curtain down that she loves so much"


So what does every good parent do to calm their child down?

Gives them ice cream and takes them to Noni's.

I know, I know that's not really good parenting,
but desperate times call for desperate measures.

1 comment:

  1. I guess it is pretty clear that HE loves painting. I am always available for some sweet
    loving on sad little Judah.
