My sister Karis has opened my eyes to estate sales. I mean I have known about them and even gone to a few, but I have officially fallen in love and become obsessed. I think I am even rubbing off on Dave. He googled them for like an hour last night. They make me really sad, but happy at the same time. Sad because you don't know whose stuff it is and where they are now. Are they dead? or in a nursing home? and I wouldn't want strangers rummaging through my stuff! Happy because it is going to a new home were I will love and cherish it for them, and it is usually really cheap. These are a few little things I picked up at the last one.
Cute vintage animal curtains for Judah's room
Not sure if I will use them as curtains or do something else.
Let me know if you have any good ideas!
A fun old bedspread.
I washed it and it still smells a bit musty
Let me know if you have any good tips on that too:)
A bunch of old pillowcases that the crafty me would like to make into a quilt
We will see if it ever happens!
If you have free time definitely scope out your area and go to an estate sale
It is fun just to look and usually there are great finds!
This "Old Stuff" is right up my ally. I have always loved and cherished things that belonged to my Mother and her Mother and so on. I guess that's one of the many reasons my Mother and I were so close. She would sometimes open up the old cedar chest and drag out the old pictures that we had looked at so many times and she would tell a story about each person. She had old things too that she loved and passed on to me. And I have come to realize that those old things can be shared with the "daughters" I now have as a result of God bringing them into the lives of my sons. Kace, you are such a beautiful and fun person!!!