Sunday, September 5, 2010


Our LOST party. We had a lot of fun dressing up, eating, and watching the final show. There were definitely some tears! Liz (AKA Kate) did a great job on everything!

Kate and Jack.

Kate finishing up the cooking.

My family was very sweet and dressed up just like I wanted. Well Judah really had no choice, but Davey drew the line at me putting eyeliner on Judah.

Poor kid. Maybe he will forgive me one day!

Jack and Charlie doing a deal.

Yummy food!!!

In the words of Eryn "Oh my Gosh" how stinkin cute are these???

There are no words. Liz is crazy talented!

The Plourde family AKA Extra #3, Russeau, Big Jacob, and Little Jacob.


More cheese!

Overall we had a fabulous time. Sad it is over and still very confused, but we had a lot of goods times getting together and watching it. Thanks again, Liz, for everything!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously. The party was fun, but I was thinking about it this morning and I still don't know what really happened. I think I need to watch the whole thing again.
