Sunday, April 24, 2011


Just wanted to give a shout out to my beautiful friend Maggie. It is her birthday today. Maggie and I are a like in a lot of ways, but one area in our life that we are definitely connected is our birthdays. We LOVE our birthdays. Even in times were we did not see each other as much we always did something for our birthdays. It is nice to have a friend that will celebrate your whole birthday month with you.

Your are beautiful, kind
and patient.
You make me laugh,
you're my friend I can swap stories
about ailments with and whine to,
That never gets tired of the same
conversations over and over.
You are my source of good music,
and good youtube.
You are beautiful
Love you!

PS put a bird on it.


  1. She is so one of my favorites. Happy belated birthday to you sweet Maggie.

  2. always wanted to comment and say thank you for this. now that i actually CAN...thank you sweet kace lou. i love you lots.

    love you too, suz :)
